Steven Spielberg is at Paris Cinématheque today for his last movie "War Horse", which is released by Disney Buena Vista. Now, Steven won't do the classic promo of his movie but will give a rare "master class" which will be broadcast live today at 6.45 pm, Paris time. If you're in New York that should make 12.45 pm in N.Y and 9.45 AM in L.A. If you're in London that will make 5.45pm and if you're in Asia, that should make 1.45 am Hong Kong time.
Steven will of course speak in english, and as the master class happen from Paris Cinematheque i suppose there will be a french translation, so whether you speak english or french it should be fine. As Spielberg master class are pretty rare i've embedded below the link for the Live broadcast so you'll be able to watch it "live"! Right now there is nothing which appear which is normal as it is not yet the time of Steven master class. Join us later today for this special event, and i hope that everything, technically speaking, will work fine (!).
Edited: Steven Spielberg's Live master class is now over. The video of it is now available and i've embedded it below for those who've missed this event.
Picture: copyright
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